Web3Port NFTs

1.What are Web3Port NFTs?

Web3Port BUILDS tools CONNECTING Web3.0 startups and contributors to ACCELERATE innovation.

Web3Port NFTs are NFT collections released by Web3Port, to reward community contributors for their contribution to community building and to make them enjoy rich benefits, thus building Web3 Connect Network together with Web3Port.

Web3Port NFTs include a series of NFT collections below (so far):

  • Community Contributors NFT

  • Genesis NFT

  • Farming NFT

  • Ambassadors NFT

  • POAP & Badge

  • ……

2.Web3Port Community Contributors NFT

Community Contributors NFTs are those for the contributors of Web3Port Connect Network, including

  • SVCs/VCs NFT

  • KOL/Influencers NFT

  • Web3 Users NFT

  • Web3 Senior Users NFT

  • Mentors NFT

  • Service Providers NFT

3.What are Web3Port SVCs/VCs NFTs

Web3Port SVCs/VCs NFTs are those for VCs and investors with unique grants.

4.SVCs/VCs NFT benefits:

Web3Port SVCs NFTs allow the NFT holders to have full access to Web3Port Research Tool, view Dealflows including promising Web3 projects (monthly), prioritize the use of new features of our APP, enjoy some token airdrops in the future and DAO community governance & voting. Currently, these NFTs are distributed to Web3Port’s investors and strategic partners for free.

Web3Port VCs NFTs allow the NFT holders to have partial access to Web3Port Research Tool, view the research reports of the projects they refer and dealflows, enjoy DAO community governance & voting and other incentives & benefits. Now these NFTs are distributed to Web3Port’s early-stage business partners for free.

5.How to get SVCs/VCs NFT?

To get the NFT, pls fill in your information through:https://forms.gle/eJUWJh38TavViBiV6

(feel free to reach out tohttps://t.me/Chris_web30 or wait for 24hrs after your submission)

6.What is Web3port Research Tool?

Web3port Research Tool is a business-oriented module connecting startups and investors.

The purpose is to help startups get their fundraising, to allow businesses to view the information of startups, participate in startup research and analysis, and share their investment logic with other businesses.

Web3port Research Tool will be a platform that covers most startups and investment institutions and people share good startups and investment and research insights.

7.Details of Web3port Research Tool:

  1. The Research page displays the reports of all startups onboarded on our APP.

  2. The Dealflow page displays the reports of startups selected by Web3Port Research Team.

Discussions and interactions are greatly welcomed. Owner of SVCs/VCs NFT can refer startups to onboard our APP, submit your research reports and share these reports with all investors.

Reputation points will be rewarded for your research reports and startup recommendations, and also affect your rewards on our platform in the future. For details, see https://app.web3port.us/reputation.

Feel free to reach out tohttps://t.me/Chris_web30 for any questions.

8.How to claim your SVCs/VCs NFT?


1.Fill out the formhttps://forms.gle/eJUWJh38TavViBiV6 - (feel free to reach out tohttps://t.me/Chris_web30 or wait for 24hrs after your submission)

2.Go tohttps://app.web3port.us/nft-claim ,click Claim to get your NFT.

3.Go to https://app.web3port.us/research to view the research reports on startups.

Last updated