Web3Port Standardized Partnership Program

We have built a powerful connection network that provides diverse resources to support startups’ development, including:

  • 500+ VCs, including 30+ tier 1 VCs;

  • 500+ Partners include Public blockchain, CEX/DEX, Web2 Corporates, Influencers and other key players in Web3;

  • 100+ Key connections in top university including Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Berkley, etc. across school-funded incubators and projects access blockchain & web3, etc.

  • Financing: helped 30+ startups raise funds, totaling $100M;

  • Tokens: assisted 50+ startups in listing at CEX (Such as Coinbase, Okx, Kucoin), we also provide leveraged funding to help projects’ listing;

  • Marketing: made tailored GMT strategies for 100+ startups and brought them into the network of 1k+ influencers;

  • Marketing Making: connected 100+ startups to top-tier MM partners.

What we offer:

  • Investment(Web3Port Foundation

  • Business Positioning (business positioning optimization, tokenomics design, deck optimization, presentation skills training)

  • Fundraising (500+ VCs/ Angel investors/FA partners)

  • Marketing Promotion (1000+ influencers/ media, go-to-market strategies)

  • Listing

  • Market Value Management

  • Resources Integrating

How to work with Web3Port:

For startups who seek one-stop-shop support from Web3Port, pls follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to https://app.web3port.us/BUIDL to submit your project info and demands

  2. Web3Port will connect you with professional resources and support you based on the info above

For startups who want to consult Web3 mentors, pls follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to https://app.web3port.us/solutions to select your favorite mentor and click “Consult”

  2. Web3Port will loop you into a Telegram group chat with the mentor

Web3Port Standardized Collaboration Options (free)

Token Related

  • CEX Listing Strategies

    • Consult with professionals on token listing

Financing Solution

  • Web3Port Dealflow Sharing:

    • Web3Port has built a 500+ Web3 VC Network, including 30+ Web3 tier 1 VCs

    • Web3Port shares weekly/monthly dealflow to all investors/VCs and connects startups with VCs to get funded

  • FA Agencies Introduction:refer your project to Web3Port’s FA partners

Note: A Financing Agreement is required for this solution. Web3Port will send the Agreement to the email address you provide. We will start the financing support after the document is signed.

Marketing (influencers, media, marketing strategies)

  • User growth

  • PR

    • Startup onboarding announcement via Web3Port’s Twitter and communities (take a look at the example here)

    • Milestone promotion: You can expect one milestone promotion campaign with Web3Port’s marketing resources

  • Connection to Marketing Agencies

    • Connect you with more marketing agencies, media or influencers based on your demand

Market Making

  • MM Strategies: Up to 30 mins’ one-on-one consulting session with professionals about selecting market makers and strategies

  • MM Partnership: refer your project to tier one market makers based on your demand

Others (Audit, Hiring, Tech Support, Events)

  • Audit

    • You can get a reliability report and remedies for your project code automatically within 24 hours using ZAN’s SaaS service. Check out the ZAN manual for details.

  • Hiring

    • Refer hiring agencies to you based on your hiring demands.

      • Talentpool (HK) Limited (License number:66349) is a human resources services provider. Since 2017 it is dedicated to creating sustainable value for financial institutions and blockchain, digital asset firms by providing one-stop HR services and solutions, which include executive search, HR outsourcing, HR consulting, and other professional services. Click here to submit your info. The platform will then match you with related users.

  • Tech Dev Tools

    • At ChainIDE you are accessible to a full set of developer services and full-process services from Web3 industrial consultation to app development implementation.

Web3Port Advanced Collaboration Options

In addition to the above free standardized collaboration, Web3Port also provides some advanced collaboration options for selective startups.


Web3Port Foundation, aiming to fund innovative Web3 startups, is an international multi-stage technology investment platform that backs and amplifies leading blockchain enabled solutions. The Foundation consists of a primary fund seeded with $100mm and a secondary fund with $1B, supports to build businesses that are truly differentiated across all markets, including early/middle-stage startups, TVL startups, public blockchain ecosystem projects, etc.

Website: https://www.web3port.foundation/

Business Positioning

  • Business Positioning Optimization

    • Guide projects to optimize their business positioning in order to make it more in line with investment institutions and market preferences based on the current market hotspots and competing products

    • Fees: On Request

  • Tokenomics Design

    • Design tokenomics according to the industry condition, business logic, community incentives, liquidity, supply and demand, etc.

    • Fees: On Request

  • Deck Optimization

    • Assist projects to fully optimize and modify their Deck, present project highlights and features in a clear and engaging way, and greatly improve financing efficiency and success rate.

    • Fees: On Request

  • Presentation Skills Training

    • Provide advice on presentation skills

    • Fees: On Request


  • Dealflow Preparation

    • Guide projects to refine highlights and prepare for Dealflow

    • Fees: On Request

  • Dealflow Exposure

    • Recommend projects to 500+ VC network, and facilitate meetings

    • Fees: On Request

  • Dealflow Tracking

    • Guide projects to make adjustments to the deck based on VC's feedback, and bring both parties together to achieve cooperation

    • Fees: On Request

  • Successful Funding

    • The entrusted service fee is [X]% (commission rate) of the transaction consideration in the form of cash

    • Fees: FA fees

Marketing Promotion

  • Operating Schedule

    • Draw up an overal strategy plan and develop KPIs

    • Make a plan (covering product, promotion, fundraising, collaborations, etc.) based on timeline and various dimensions (industry/tech/buzz)

    • Track and supervise operation progress and bring up improvement strategies

    • Fees: On Request

  • Data Analytics and Decision Making

    • Product cold start and user growth.

    • Fees: On Request

  • Social Media

    • Develop promotion wording, pictures and videos

    • Announce updates and progress based on the company's timetable and roadmap

    • Oversee company handles' popularity and views, and interact actively with corresponding KOLs

    • Manage platforms (Youtube, Medium, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, &etc.)

    • Fees: On Request

  • Campaigns

    • Small events (Web3Port shares event opinions and potential topics based on the project's characteristics)

    • Social media events (AMA and Twitter space. Web3Port offers guest list and topics for reference)

    • Tailored airdrop plan

    • Ecosystem/project collaboration events

    • Fees: On Request

  • Resources Connection

    • Intro to market supporters, public chains, and promising startups

    • Fees: On Request

  • Content

    • Content support (direction, preference, and buzz suggestions)

    • Featured in professional media platforms (PANews\Odaily\ foresight\coindesk, etc.)

    • Express (Web3Port offers express content suggestions)

    • KOLs' promotion (Web3Port introduces KOLs and bring up promotion suggestions

    • Press release (Web3Port offers content suggestions and media platforms release these content)

    • Others (Web3Port offers suggestions on group promotion wording and paid posters)

    • Fees: On Request

  • Community

    • Build Telegram and Discord communities, attract, retain and grow users from the US, Europe, China, Russia, Vietnam, South Korea, India, etc.

    • Fees: On Request


  • Pre-listing Preparation

    • Customize market making strategies including liquidity, pricing model, asset management, etc.

    • Fees: On Request

  • Listing Strategy Support

    • Help negotiate commercial terms with exchanges

    • Fees: On Request

  • Top Tier CEX Listing

    • Get listed on Tier1 CEXs

    • Fees: On Request

Market Value Management

  • Market Maker Recommendation

    • Recommend appropriate market makers and the establish partnerships

    • Fees: On Request

  • Design MM Strategy

    • Apply customized secondary market strategy, develop clear plans and goals to implement exit strategy timely

    • Fees: On Request

  • Get Connection with Exchanges

    • Help with pre-listing preparation, including account docking and funding transferring

    • Fees: On Request

  • Funding Allocation

    • Allocate funding and design trading strategy

    • Fees: On Request

Resources Integrating

  • External Advisors

    • Connect with top-tier industry advisors, specialists

    • Fees: On Request

  • Strategic Partners

    • Based on project specific demands, provide partnership resources

    • Fees: On Request

  • TVL

    • Provide TVL support

    • Fees: On Request

  • Enterprise Resource

    • Utilize resources in the related industry, and implement business proposal

    • Fees: On Request

  • Government Lobbying

    • Ice-break and maintain a proper relationship with governments and district politicians

    • Fees: On Request

For business partners like public blockchain/VC/CEX, feel free to reach out to

Email: chris@web3port.us​

Telegram: https://t.me/Chris_web30

Questions and feedback:

Feel free to reach out to Web3Port via the contact below if you have any questions about the Program:

Email: connect@web3port.us​

Telegram: https://t.me/Celious_Suzuki

Last updated